Door: Linda Woudstra

Women's Rights: some progress, many gaps

Nieuws / 1 maart 2010 / Linda Woudstra

De schaduwrapportage "Women's Rights – some progress, many gaps" beschrijft de toepassing van de Nederlandse wet- en regelgeving met betrekking tot rechten van vrouwen.

Het rapport geeft commentaar op de wijze waarop de regering aan het VN-Comité bij het Vrouwenverdrag verantwoording heeft afgelegd over de naleving van vrouwenrechten in Nederland in de periode 2005-2008. Kritiekpunten hebben onder meer betrekking op (gebrek aan) maatregelen tegen geweld tegen vrouwen, discriminatie van vrouwen op de arbeidsmarkt en onvoldoende beschikbare feiten en cijfers over de positie van vrouwen. Het rapport is gepubliceerd door het Netwerk VN-Vrouwenverdrag, waarvan Aim for human rights het secretariaat voert. 54 Nederlandse organisaties ondertekenden de schaduwrapportage.

De gehele rapportage kunt u op de website van Aim for Human Rights downloaden.


Uit het rapport, blz 31:

2. Women, especially single mothers, overrepresented amongst working poor

Women are overrepresented amongst the poor (55%). Two out of five single parent families, predominantly single mothers, belong to poor households. The number of working poor is steadily increasing and wage-earning women seem overrepresented. Some 11 percent of single working parents belong to the category of working poor.61 As the answer to Q 23 shows, government policies are mainly aimed at reducing the number of poor people with a benefit (reducing the government’s expenditure), without providing perspectives for poor people to achieve stable improvement in their income.


Hardly any insight exists into the length of the period working people live in poverty, but it is not unlikely that the perspective of escaping poverty, especially for single mothers and elderly (50+) women, is rather poor. The underutilisation of national and local (additional) allowances seems quite substantial. Moreover, most working poor, and especially the single parents among them, earn too little to be able to make full use of all the tax-credits available.


The NGOs think the government should develop gender-sensitive policies in improving perspectives of the working poor F/M and suggest the Committee addresses this issue in constructive dialogue.



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